RAW Gospel Revealed

According to all New Testament gospels, Jesus was consistently opposed, abhorred and treated with hostility and disrespect by three main powerful groups; Pharisees, Sadducee’s and Money-changers. The exact equivalent of these groups today are; Government, Financial, and Religious institutions. Truly astonishing when you realize the connection brought forward into the 21st century. Why would these institutions of authority and financial control oppose the Prince of peace?

In fact, the only biblical record of Jesus showing any physical aggression towards anyone was an altercation with bankers in the temple. (Matt. 21:12) Why would these powerful institutions oppose his ideology and teachings so maniacally, that they would entrap and cold-bloodily murder him, while at the same time actively brainwash the public into calling for the acquittal of Barabbas, a well known convicted prisoner?(Matt. 27:20-23)

How did the public fall for this obvious lie so convincingly? Again, we must ask the question… why did these powerful groups hate Jesus so much that they wanted him dead? It is painstakingly obvious to me, they didn’t want him showing people the pathway to true freedom, but instead wanted him to support their dogmatic ceremonial public rituals that were virtuous in appearance only. (Matt. 23:1-5)

Instead Jesus chose to teach people the knowledge of how the hidden spiritual Law of Morality worked, and that message made him a threat to all institutions of “authority”.

The hidden spiritual Law of Morality is the actual true gospel.. because if understood and followed by the public it guarantees salvation, or the more appropriate words “true freedom” for all humanity, here and now on planet earth, and not some hypothetical imaginary place for a select few in an after-life.

Most ALL claiming to be followers of Christ (including YOU) are primarily ignorant of the importance and significants of this law. (Law of Morality)

The Law of Morality rejects the idea that one person can legitimately usurp authority over another person, since logic supports the true idea that each person is born with an equal amount of rights. By definition, it is psychotic to believe there is legitimacy to one human-being having actual God sanctioned authority over another human-being. This is clearly an example of a human being not thinking logically. The Creator of the universe has never, and will never, approve of slavery or grant one human-being rightful authority over another.(***for those who reference Romans 13 as God sanctioned slavery-I suggest you research “Counsel of Nicaea”***)

The fact is, every human-being is born with the exact same God-given rights by universal law, NOT Government. No individual, or group of individuals can legitimately change or alter that fact of reality. However, one can be convinced to erroneously believe they can. In fact, most of humanity is currently operating under this psychosis, where they falsely believe in God sanctioned hierarchical human authority. This is a false belief system that has produced a population and culture that accepts wrong-doing by human-beings who are so called authorized (by God) to do so. News flash, no one on the planet has a God granted right to violate someone else’ rights. Regardless of what you think or believe, the actual fact of the matter, God has NOT granted ANY individual or institution ANY authority over anybody. These are false beliefs. The mental integration of this false belief, and the resulting physical behaviors produced in the world, continue to propagate the planetary prison we are collectively constructing for ourselves. Freedom for humanity as a whole can never exist in a society predisposed with false ideologies of one person legitimately having more planetary authority than another.

Matt 5:17- Jesus said “I did not come to condemn the law, but to fulfill the law”, what law? The Law of Morality (natural moral law), he was the example of one living solely by the law of God, natural moral law, meaning, the objective behavioral laws that are inherit to this planet and the 3rd dimensional reality we all currently live in. (Mark 12:28-31)

Let’s take a step back and clarify “natural law”, some mistakenly assume that Darwinism, or Charles Darwin survival of the fittest, Big fish eats small fish, or the Natural Order theory is being referenced. I am not referring to any of those ideologies. I am talking about natural law as a set of organic rules in operation on this planet that are non man-made.

For example, most are familiar with (physical) natural law, magnetism, electricity, and gravity. These all represent (physical) non man-made laws with real world impact. Metaphysical laws (also known as spiritual laws) provide us with rules for living and interacting with other beings. It is a set of non man-made laws organic in creation that monitors human behavior. Then based upon aggregate human population behavior input, nature delivers human conditional outputs. This is not a religion, it is a hidden spiritual mathematical equation that actually measures human interactions.

Scientific Formula (Human Freedom)

Human beings are required to discover the laws of the planet, understand them and appropriately align behaviors within them. Contrary to what most people falsely believe, right and wrong behavior is not subjective or relative, it is objective. There is a clear difference between a right and wrong that is defined by nature. Yes, what a right is, is profoundly defined by nature. This is NOT religion, or a list of man-made Governmental can and can’t do activities which can change based on time and/or location (IE. Prohibition/Cannabis/Firearms). Natural rights are eternal, never changing, and infallible, therefore rights can never be wrongs, and wrongs can never be rights. Churches, Governments or human-beings do not hold the authority to determine what is right or wrong behavior, this is childish arrogance to believe they can. This unequivocal truth must be clearly comprehended “a right is defined and judged by nature, in the form of metaphysical (spiritual) moral law.”

How many human beings on this planet can even explain what a right action or behavior is? If I asked you the following question; What is a right? How would you explain it to me in one sentence? Or tell me the easiest method to prevent violating someone’s right? Or the real-world karmic consequences for violating rights? How would you respond? A “Right” is any action that does not cause harm to another sentient being. That is YOUR right and mine. Any human-being that prevents another from freely exercising their God-given right, is violating the natural Law of Morality.