False Religions

Everyone has their own idea of what a religion is. However, based on the original Latin word for religion, “Religare” which means to bind, or tie back, I am defining the term using the original meaning; “an ideology that prevents one from obtaining spiritual enlightenment and producing freedom in an enslaved world”.

False religion keeps humanity from comprehending how Natural Spiritual Law is manifested into this reality. By diverting our attention away from the source of societies degradation, and primarily focusing in on the effects instead of the root cause. This facilitates an environment of mental frustration, hopelessness, and confusion, instead of cultivating societal conversations about how and why humanity is enslaved. In addition, humanity’s current condition of enslavement is 100% supported by natural law principles. Yes, regardless of what you believe, (or how often you pray to God) the hidden spiritual law of nature is delivering us accurate results as a consequence for our ignorance. Not realizing most of our thoughts are producing incorrect behaviors into the world. These incorrect “wrong” behaviors create (via spiritual law) real-world conditions of slavery for all of us. For THIS reason the false religions most of us are taught to believe in must be exposed as the enslavement traps they actually are.

There are many false ideologies someone could mentally absorb to prevent spiritual enlightenment, however, in my opinion there are three (3) major false religions most have fallen victim. Money, God-approved Slavery (called Government), and all Traditional religions (Christianity, Muslim, etc.).

Again, I am using the definition of “religion” as the true meaning of the word “to bind or tie back”. The belief in the legitimacy of Money, God-approved slavery (called Government), or any of the modern day traditional religions (i.e. Christianity, Muslim, Satanism, etc.) are ideologies preventing spiritual enlightenment.

#1 – Money is definitely one of the biggest false religions on the planet. EVERYONE is guilty of believing in the legitimacy of money, this is the big one. This is a question I ask people often: “What is the condition of our world if ALL money evaporated in 5 minutes?” Most of YOU ALL say the same fucking thing… “It’s gonna be chaos bro”, “everybody is gonna be stealing, robbing, killings, modern day purge event dude”….
This is what 99% of your peers are saying, this is probably YOUR opinion as well. OK, consider the same question, adding an additional requirement: “If ALL money evaporated in 5 minutes, BUT for seven (7) days every human-being on the planet agreed to follow their exact same daily routine?” So, for one (1) week Sunday-Saturday, every human-being on the planet is following their daily routines; i.e. if on Mondays you routinely drove a truck from farming facilitates to supermarkets keep doing it.., if you routinely ensured water/sewage operations, keep doing it.., if on Tuesdays you taught at school/university, keep doing it… you should get the point, if all human-beings on the planet continued their daily routines for a week, even though MONEY had evaporated, ALL critical, civil and essential services would continue and humanity would NOT even realize MONEY was gone. MONEY is a religion most falsely believe would create chaos if it didn’t exist. When in reality, if we didn’t have this “medium of exchange” and viewed ourselves as an entire human family, we could gift the world with our natural talents we were born with. Instead we spend our lives performing tasks primarily to “earn” MONEY for survival on a fucking planet with unlimited resources!!

#2 – God-approved Slavery -or- Government, this is a sensitive subject for a lot of people for a lot of reasons. To be 100% clear, I DO NOT support any violence or physical revolution of any kind and DO NOT support ANY offensive action towards any Governmental official. The real revolution is a spiritual one in which the human comes to a logical conclusion in their own minds of the illegitimacy of one person having God-sanctioned authority over another. As a reminder, ALL human-beings are born with the exact same God-given rights. The Creator of the universe has never, and will never, approve of slavery or grant one human-being rightful authority over another.

The fact is, every human-being is born with the exact same God-given rights by universal law, NOT Government. No individual, or group of individuals can legitimately change or alter that fact of reality. However, one can be convinced to erroneously believe they can. In fact, most of humanity is currently operating under this psychosis, where they falsely believe in God sanctioned hierarchical human authority. This is a false belief system that has produced a population and culture that accepts wrong-doing by human-beings who are so called authorized (by God) to do so. News flash, no one on the planet has a God granted right to violate someone else’ rights. Regardless of what you think or believe, the actual fact of the matter, God has NOT granted ANY individual or institution ANY authority over anybody. These are false beliefs. The mental integration of this false belief, and the resulting physical behaviors produced in the world, continue to propagate the planetary prison we are collectively constructing for ourselves. Freedom for humanity as a whole can never exist in a society predisposed with false ideologies of one person legitimately having more planetary authority than another. If there are only two (2) human-beings on the planet, which one is the master and which is the slave? Neither.

#3 – Traditional Religions – An oversimplification of all cultural religions of today are watered-down and quite frankly misrepresentations of the importance of understanding, following and then teaching spiritual universal law to others. Instead the focus has been about worshiping the teachers of the information.

Universal (spiritual) law is sometimes also referred to as the law of freedom, cause and effect, or universal karma. Meaning there are actual real-world consequences for not knowing the difference between right and wrong behavior. This is not a religion, or a belief system, it is a spiritual science, same as gravity, magnetism, and electricity are physical sciences. In reality whether or not you understand how natural law works or not is irrelevant, the effects are the same. Same as someone ignorant of how electricity works, you get shocked! Therefore it is imperative for human beings to learn how natural moral law works and align behaviors to it in order to alleviate the slavery pain 99% of us are experiencing.

The teaching of Natural Moral law is not new, however, it has been concealed from the general public and kept secret by the same few institutions who benefit from the masses being ignorant of it. The wizards behind the scene have successfully managed to hypnotize most human-beings into abandoning their birthright unknowingly. The fact is, if humanity truly, deeply, understood this hidden science, most of our worldly problems would vanish in our lifetime. One of the biggest reasons this information is hidden from the general public is because it guarantees human freedom for the here and now 3rd dimension, not some fucking afterlife destination.